The right way against union busting
May 26, 2020. At 12:30-13:10

Time & Location
May 26, 2020. At 12:30-13:10
About the event
The strong labor movement is the cornerstone of the Icelandic labor market and the welfare and quality of life of workers. In many parts of the world, efforts are being made to break unions back to increase the profits of the few. How can such degradation be prevented? Is there a reason for the Icelandic term "union busting"?
Christian Sweeney of the AFL-CIO, America's largest labor union, presents a presentation on known methods of undermining organized union work. The AFL-CIO has years of experience dealing with companies that employ such tactics and with consulting firms that offer union-busting services.
Sigurður Pétursson, historian, talks about Icelanders' experience of the collapse of the labor struggle. Sigurður wrote the books Wind in the Sails I-III, which deal with the history of the labor movement in the Westfjords 1890-1970. (ASV 2011-2014). He is now a teacher at Laugarvatn Secondary School.
ASÍ, BSRB and Varða - the labor market research institute are organizing a series of lunch meetings about the right way out of the crisis. At the meetings, theoretical discussion is interwoven with experience of the organized work of trade unions and other non-governmental organizations. The meetings take place via Zoom and are open to everyone.
Interpretation into Icelandic is offered, and to use it you have to click on the small globe that appears in the bar and select an interpretation. You can choose "mute original sound" to hear only the interpreter.