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September 28, 2020. At 12:30-13:10


The right way in the case of refugees

The right way in the case of refugees
The right way in the case of refugees

Time & Location

September 28, 2020. At 12:30-13:10

About the event

It is estimated that around 70 million people are displaced in the world today, and that is more than have been displaced since the United Nations Refugee Agency began its activities after the Second World War. It is believed that the number of refugees will increase with increasing climate change. Most refugees flee to their neighboring countries, and the flow of refugees to Europe is therefore only the tip of the iceberg. But what can be done to deal with this reality? What is the role of the labor movement in Iceland and internationally? At the next webinar, Guðrún Margrét Guðmundsdóttir, expert in the issues of foreigners and refugees in the labor market at ASÍ, will discuss the issue of refugees. Kinan Kadoni is a refugee from Syria who draws on his own experience of settling in Europe as a refugee and of working with refugees who have settled in Iceland.

Varða - the labor market research institute, ASÍ and BSRB are organizing a series of lunchtime lectures on the right way out of the crisis. At the meetings, theoretical discussion is interwoven with experience of the organized work of trade unions and other non-governmental organizations.

The meetings take place via Zoom and are open to everyone. Interpretation into Icelandic is offered, and to use it you have to click on the small globe that appears in the bar and select an interpretation. You can select "mute original sound" to hear only the interpreter.

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Over 70 million people have been forcibly displaced worldwide, a number that is growing and is higher than ever in the history of the UNHCR. Global warming is likely to increase the number of people who need to leave their homes. Most of displaced people seek a new life in their neighboring countries and only a small part ends up in Europe. What can be done to respond to the growing number of displaced people? What is the role of the labor movement in Iceland and internationally?

Guðrún Margrét Guðmundsdóttir, ASÍ expert, and Kinan Kadoni, refugee and expert in settlement programs will share their thoughts at this webinar.

This webinar is hosted by Varda, ASI and BSRB as part of a webinar series under the theme "The Right Way out of the Crisis". The webinar is open to the public via Zoom.

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