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February 9, 2021. At 12:30-13:15


The position of workers in Iceland

The position of workers in Iceland
The position of workers in Iceland

Time & Location

February 9, 2021. At 12:30-13:15

About the event

English below ASÍ and BSRB invite you to a web conference where the results of Várda's new survey on the situation of wage earners in Iceland will be presented. Among the findings, almost a quarter of the respondents find it difficult to make ends meet and about a fifth cannot meet unexpected expenses. The situation of immigrants is much worse than that of others.

Kristín Heba Gísladóttir, managing director of Värda, will present the results of the survey, which sheds light on the situation in the labor market today. The aim of the survey was to assess the position of workers within ASÍ and BSRB following the crisis, and especially the position of the unemployed.

The meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 9 at 12:30 and is open to everyone. Click this link to join:

English interpretation is available.

Agenda: The position of wage earners in the labor market Kristín Heba Gísladóttir, Värda's executive director, presents the results of a new survey.

Next steps: Kolbeinn Hólmar Stefánsson, lecturer at UI. Drífa Snædal, president of ASÍ. Sonja Ýr Þorbergsdóttir, chairman of BSRB. Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir, chairman of Efling.

Garðar Hilmarsson, vice chairman of Sameyki, leads the meeting.

Varða - the labor market research institute was founded by ASÍ and BSRB in the spring of 2020. Várða's goal is to promote research on the labor market and increase knowledge about the situation of wage earners.

ASÍ and BSRB invite you to a webinar on the results from a recent survey conducted by Varða on the situation among workers in Iceland. The results show that almost one out of four respondents report difficulties in making ends meet, and one out of five is not able to meet unexpected expenses. Immigrants are in a far worse situation than others.

Kristín Heba Gísladóttir, director of Varða, will present the survey results which help to shed light on the current situation in the labor market. The purpose of the survey was to evaluate the situation among workers within ASÍ and BSRB in the wake of COVID-19, and especially the situation of unemployed people.

The webinar will take place on Tuesday, February 9, at 12:30, and is open to everyone. To participate, click this link:

Simultaneous interpretation into English will be provided.

Agenda: Situation and conditions of people in the labor market Kristín Heba Gísladóttir, director of Varða, presents the results from a new survey.

Next steps: Kolbeinn Hólmar Stefánsson, assistant professor at HÍ. Drífa Snædal, president of ASÍ. Sonja Ýr Þorbergsdóttir, chair of BSRB. Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir, chair of Efling.

Garðar Hilmarsson, vice-chair of Sameyki, will moderate the meeting.

Varða - Labor Market Research Institute was founded by ASÍ and BSRB in the spring of 2020. Varða's objective is to strengthen labor market research and build knowledge about the situation of workers.

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